Packing Your “Digital Go-Bag:” Essential Disaster Health Information on Your Mobile Device Training

DE BEST Mission Statement

To serve the state of Delaware by establishing, implementing, and sustaining volunteers to strengthen DSAMH initiatives, improve community resilience and support appropriate mental health response to disaster.


Packing Your “Digital Go-Bag:” Essential Disaster Health Information on Your Mobile Device

There are many mobile resources and apps available to assist responders, public health professionals and others in the disaster and preparedness workforce with information needs before and during emergencies and disasters. However, loading these resources on a mobile device just prior to or during a disaster may be too late. Finding and evaluating the best tools and resources takes time, as does learning how to use them effectively and quickly. Just as a responder has a go-bag packed with clothes, flashlight, tools, snacks, etc. ready to go in a disaster, one’s mobile device should also be “packed” with apps and information before an event.

Presenter Michelle Burda, MLS, Network & Advocacy Coordinator, NN/LM MAR is a trainer for the National Library of Medicine (NLM) on their disaster health information resources and has been a presenter at the annual Pennsylvania EMS conference.

The Disaster and Information Management Research Center (DIMRC), a special services division of NLM, has developed a suite of widely used resources for mobile devices such as WISER (Wireless Information System for Emergency Responders) and has evaluated and made accessible on their website many other mobile apps and other information resources that are useful in emergency and disaster situations. In this class, we will identify and discuss key resources that responders and disaster/emergency preparedness professionals should load on their mobile devices* as part of their personal and professional preparedness strategy.

Contact DMRC if you would like additional information.



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